President’s Society

The President’s Society is a dedicated community of supporters who provide essential, annual funding to The Wistar Institute. With gifts of $1,000 or more in a calendar year, members of the Society support initiatives vital to Wistar’s mission, such as pilot research projects, cutting-edge technology and equipment, faculty recruitment, and training for the next generation of scientists. Wistar is committed to recognizing and celebrating the contributions of our President’s Society members with a slate of insider updates and opportunities to engage with Wistar throughout the year. We proudly offer President’s Society members exclusive courtesies including:
- Recognition on Wistar’s digital Wall of Honor.
- Invitations to exclusive in-person President’s Society special events, including the annual President’s Society Dinner and Institute tour series.
- Preferred access to our upcoming current research virtual series and other virtual events.
- Invitations to in-person Institute events, including informative symposiums, ceremonies and celebrations.
- Subscription to Presidential Update, an insider update on the Institute for our Society members so you can learn firsthand how your support powers Wistar Science.
- Subscription to Wistar publications including Focus, our quarterly magazine, Wistar News, our monthly eNewsletter, and our annual Year in Review.
We thank our President’s Society members for your vital contributions to Wistar Science!
To learn more about the President’s Society at Wistar, contact:
Dara Lieberson, MS
The Wistar Institute
3601 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104