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Why might a gift of Life Insurance suit you?

Depending on the way you use a life insurance policy to make your gift, the following may apply:

  • This can be an appealing option for those who may not otherwise be able to make a significant gift during their lifetime.
  • Certain life insurance gifts are revocable, so you can update your provision if circumstances change.
  • It can potentially reduce the size of your taxable estate.
  • You can benefit from a current one-time charitable deduction, an annual charitable gift deduction, or an estate charitable gift deduction, depending on the circumstances of your life insurance gift.
3 Ways to Make Your Gift to Wistar Using Life Insurance
Designate the Wistar as the Beneficiary of an existing or new policy

The simplest of life insurance gifts, you can designate Wistar as a partial or full beneficiary of any existing or new life insurance policy. You retain ownership of the policy and, along with that, the flexibility to change your beneficiary designation if your circumstances change. With Wistar – a non-profit corporation – benefiting from the policy proceeds upon your passing, it removes the asset from your estate, reducing its size, the proceeds are not subject to inheritance and estate taxes as they would be otherwise, and your estate will be entitled to claim a charitable estate tax deduction for the beneficiary proceeds distributed to Wistar.

Donate (transfer ownership of) an existing policy to Wistar for immediate benefit

You can transfer ownership of a whole/permanent life insurance policy to Wistar and you will be able to claim a current income tax charitable deduction at the time of contribution for approximately the cash surrender value of the policy. Wistar can then opt to surrender the policy to immediately benefit from its full, untaxed proceeds. An added benefit is that the policy’s value can be removed from your gross estate, lowering your estate’s eventual tax burden.

Donate (transfer ownership of) a new or existing policy to Wistar for deferred benefit

This is an irrevocable deferred gift to Wistar. In this circumstance, with an active policy owned by Wistar that has annual premiums due, you make annual donations to Wistar so we have funds to pay the insurance premiums. You will be able to claim a tax deduction for each annual donation. Wistar would receive the death benefit of the policy upon your passing. This is a great option for donors with the ability to make annual gifts to Wistar (in the amount of the insurance premium) as well as a provision for a much larger sum after your passing.

Key factors to consider:
  • Your family and loved ones come first – we understand that! Gifts of Life Insurance are often a good idea for those whose family members are now grown/more financially independent and no longer need the death benefit.

  • By notifying us of your Life Insurance beneficiary designation, we are able to record and better honor your gift intentions re: the intended use of your gift. In addition, we can recognize you during your lifetime for your generous provision.

  • If you want to transfer ownership of a Life Insurance policy to Wistar, we are happy to work with your financial and/or legal team to determine the nature of the gift agreement and ensure we are honoring the intended purpose for your gift, whether that be current or deferred, unrestricted or designated for a particular purpose, expendable or endowed!
Take action today
  • Contact Brittany McCrimmon at 215.495.6856 or to discuss the different options for making a gift of Life Insurance to Wistar.
  • Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
  • If you include Wistar in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
    • Legal name: The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology
    • Address: 3601 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
    • Federal tax ID (EIN) number: 23-6434390

Contact Us

We would be happy to speak with you about the various ways to make a gift of Life Insurance in confidence, with no obligation.

Already included Wistar in your estate plan?

Why let us know?

When you notify us of your Legacy Gift intention using this form, we are able to thank you up front, recognize your incredible provision during your lifetime, and keep you informed on Wistar’s work in a manner that is meaningful to you. It also enables us to document and honor your wishes.

While you can choose to make an irrevocable Legacy Gift to Wistar if you wish, signing this intention form does not make your Legacy Gift provision legally binding. It is a way of sharing your thoughtful intention with us and you can revoke or make changes to your plans at any time.

While we know that considering what people and what causes you wish to provide for after you have passed is a deeply private matter, we hope you will give us the opportunity to pay tribute to you for including Wistar in those plans. We are honored to recognize our Legacy donors in Wistar’s 1892 Society.