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The 1892 Legacy Society is a community of thoughtful individuals who have intentionally chosen to provide for the future of The Wistar Institute through perpetual giving, longterm financial plans, or deferred gifts. Wistar is proud to honor and recognize Legacy Society members throughout their lifetime for their meaningful future provisions.

In addition to personalized outreach from our team, 1892 Legacy Society members also have access to an array of insider updates and opportunities to engage with Wistar each year, including:

  • Recognition in Wistar’s annual report and on our digital Wall of Honor
  • Invitations to exclusive in-person special events, including: an annual dinner reception, Institute tour series, and informative symposia, ceremonies and celebrations
  • Preferred access to our current research virtual series and other virtual events
  • Subscription to an insider update on the Institute for Society members to learn more about how philanthropic support powers Wistar science, as well as Wistar publications including Focus, our quarterly magazine, Wistar News our monthly eNewsletter, and our annual Year in Review

Already included Wistar in your estate plan?

Why let us know?

When you notify us of your Legacy Gift intention using this form, we are able to thank you up front, recognize your incredible provision during your lifetime, and keep you informed on Wistar’s work in a manner that is meaningful to you. It also enables us to document and honor your wishes.

While you can choose to make an irrevocable Legacy Gift to Wistar if you wish, signing this intention form does not make your Legacy Gift provision legally binding. It is a way of sharing your thoughtful intention with us and you can revoke or make changes to your plans at any time.

While we know that considering what people and what causes you wish to provide for after you have passed is a deeply private matter, we hope you will give us the opportunity to pay tribute to you for including Wistar in those plans. We are honored to recognize our Legacy donors in Wistar’s 1892 Society.