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Cotswold Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship

Advances in scientific research that result in improvements to human health are prompted by imagination, a bold determination to seek answers, and the versatility to consider novel approaches. The Wistar Institute attracts international scientific talent to our research centers and cultivates global impact. Postdoctoral fellows at Wistar carry out cutting-edge biomedical research in a world-class facility and benefit from mentorship from leaders in the field, a collaborative research setting, impactful training opportunities, and a competitive salary and benefits package.

The Cotswold Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship was established for recent Ph.D. graduates from around the world who want to investigate pressing questions in cancer research or immunology at The Wistar Institute. This five-year postdoctoral training fellowship supports:

  • A competitive salary and benefits
  • Funding for lab resources and equipment
  • Travel for the Fellow

The program promotes scientific collaboration between The Wistar Institute and the world. Furthermore, this Fellowship helps to attract a strong life science workforce and ensures that Wistar science has a global impact.

Cotswold Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in action


For more information about the Cotswold Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship at The Wistar Institute, contact:

Kristy Shuda McGuire, Ph.D.
Dean, Biomedical Studies
Professor, Molecular & Cellular Oncogenesis Program, Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center
Associate Director for Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination, Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center

3601 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104