Code of Conduct & Hotline
Ethics Policy/Code of Conduct
Members of the Wistar Community: Wistar’s Code of Conduct sets forth general standards for workplace conduct and articulates a set of shared values that we expect all community members to uphold and promote. At the core of the policy is a commitment to act with integrity, honesty, and fairness in the performance of our research, training, and administrative activities. I view this policy as particularly important for an institution that receives substantial public support. We are at great risk of losing the public trust and jeopardizing our organization’s future if we fail to act with integrity, honesty, and fairness. While I want to emphasize that I believe the code articulates standards that already are widely followed at the Institute, I am convinced that it is important to put these standards in writing as a reference for current and future employees, trainees, Board members, and others.
In addition to setting out standards of conduct, the policy also provides guidance on reporting any suspected violations of law, policy, procedure or the Code of Conduct. While we encourage individuals to discuss suspected violations with their supervisors or appropriate institutional administrators, such as the General Counsel and Director of Human Resources, we recognize that there may be occasions when an individual does not feel comfortable reporting a violation to a supervisor or fellow employee. For these circumstances, we have established a telephone hotline to which violations may be reported confidentially. The hotline is maintained by Global Compliance Services, a division of Navex Global. If you call the hotline, a Global Compliance Services employee will collect information from you on the suspected violation and forward the information to our administrators for investigation. You may call the hotline back to check on the status of the investigation. The number for the hotline is 844-982-3404.
If you have any questions concerning the Code of Conduct or the hotline, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Dario C. Altieri, M.D.
President and CEO
Call 844-982-3404 toll-free, day or night, anonymously. Or submit an anonymous complaint anytime online at: Refuse to stand by quietly if you feel that our values are being compromised.