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Author: The Wistar Institute

Reflections on the COVID-19 Crisis and How Wistar is Making a Difference

Dr. Dario Altieri, Wistar president and CEO, gets candid about our response as a country to the COVID-19 pandemic, and how the Institute is advancing scientific solutions to protect those at the frontlines.

The streets of University City Philadelphia are empty, few cars drive around and the Penn Campus is eerily deserted, but The Wistar Institute remains open. Designated as a “life-sustaining” business in Governor Wolf’s recent order, the oldest independent research institute in the U.S. is adjusting to life in the era of COVID-19 and lives up to its century-old mission of putting research to work for human health. Darien Sutton, Media Relations & Communications manager, caught up with Dr. Dario C. Altieri, Wistar president and CEO, for a “virtual” fireside chat about his take on the coronavirus crisis and what Wistar can do to help.

Sutton: I checked with Pete, our director of Facilities, and there are about 70 people coming to Wistar any given day since we started social distancing. It appears you are one of them. How does it feel?

Altieri: It feels great. Being here every day says that we are doing the job that we are supposed to do, and people expect us to do. Plus, since we implemented social distancing, no in-person meetings and no gatherings, I got to ditch the suit and tie for jeans and hoodie, and that feels even better.

Sutton: What’s going on with COVID-19? Why is this so much more dangerous than, say, the flu?

Altieri: I am not sure we know everything about this particular coronavirus strain. Clinical data, mostly coming out of the Wuhan experience, suggest that it spreads more efficiently than the flu and has a higher case fatality rate. It also seems that our own response to the infection is different: we seem to generate a far less robust antiviral transcriptional signature. Regardless, most people have mild or no symptoms. The problem is that a small percentage of patients develop acute respiratory failure, and, unfortunately, can have a very grim prognosis. This is the worst-case scenario that we are seeing in the national news: tens of thousands of patients with acute respiratory failure flooding ERs around the country and major metropolitan areas.

Sutton: Are we prepared?

Altieri: No, not at all. We should have done a better job studying more closely what was going on in Asian countries in January. We’ve missed both the good — how to control the spread of the virus, because it can be done, and the bad — how acute and deadly the most severe cases can be. This is not about politics, but it appears that we, as a society, have underestimated the threat, didn’t prepare with reliable testing, and didn’t take seriously the chance that our health system could become overwhelmed. A health system that even under “normal” circumstances must run at close to full capacity. It’s unacceptable that we, as a nation, are at the point of scrambling to find masks and gloves.

Sutton: Okay, that’s the bad news. Is there good news?

Altieri: Well, there are a lot of people working the numbers right now. There is still no approved drug or vaccine, but a lot of clinical trials have opened around the world. They are testing different strategies to shut down how the virus gets in the cell, prevent it from copying its genome or alleviate the acute cytokine response that seems to drive a negative outcome in patients with respiratory failure. And then of course there are vaccine trials that launched with different approaches. I am hopeful that something will hit, and soon. It doesn’t have to be a magic bullet, but something meaningful to protect those on the front lines and the most at-risk population.

Sutton: What is Wistar’s part in all this?

Altieri: For a century, we have been at the forefront of vaccine research, and this is no different now. The efforts in our Vaccine & Immunotherapy Center tackle many aspects of the COVID-19 emergency and Dr. David Weiner’s DNA-based vaccine is scheduled to enter trial right here in Philadelphia later this month. Of course, we don’t know if any of these will work and make a difference in people’s lives. But I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of this work, not just of the scientists but of everyone who is here to support them. It is this sense of community, which is all about the science, that makes Wistar special.

Sutton: But Wistar is almost empty, can we really do it?

Altieri: Of course, we can. Our top priority is to make sure that everyone here is safe and healthy. And stays that way. In just a week, we reconfigured the entire organization to work remotely and everyone is chipping in, things are getting done with the same pace, efficiency and passion as ever. It is the best support we can give to our laboratories that are racing to defeat COVID-19.

Sutton: Any last parting thoughts?

Altieri: At some point, things will get better. I don’t know when or how many good people around the world COVID-19 will take. But we will get past the critical point. I just hope that when we finally do, we will not go back to live our lives like nothing happened. I hope we will remember our errors and shortcomings and learn from them. So that we can make the right investments, support the science, develop the medicines of the future and protect our communities. Maybe it’s time to build one less aircraft carrier and a few more hospitals. If there is one thing that we learned from this spring of 2020 is that our lives can be upended very quickly and very dramatically. We just need to be better prepared. For when the next pandemic comes.

Wistar Translational Research in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Wistar Institute’s Vaccine & Immunotherapy Center (VIC) has assembled its expertise in infectious disease research, as its scientists are part of a team racing to provide a countermeasure for the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. 

A historic leader with a track record of successful vaccines that have saved millions of lives, Wistar is now leveraging synthetic DNA technology to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus. 

The laboratory of Dr. David Weiner, Wistar executive vice president, director of the VIC and the W.W. Smith Charitable Trust Professor in Cancer Research, has worked for several decades advancing the technology for generating synthetic DNA vaccines that can be used for global pandemic outbreaks. 

In December 2019, Drs. Weiner, Ami Patel, Kar Muthumani, and Dan Kulp at Wistar along with colleagues at Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Drs. Joseph Kim, Laurent Humeau and Kate Broderick, were paying particular attention to the new outbreak in Wuhan, China, caused by a virus identified as a novel coronavirus. Infections were rapidly expanding in China, and by mid-January they were starting to spill over to other countries. COVID-19, as the infection was eventually named, was not going away. The team decided to work together tackling the outbreak as soon as the opportunity to jump in arose, as they have collaborated to advance vaccines for other outbreak pathogens. 

Synthetic DNA would not need the virus itself to build vaccine candidates, as these can be modeled and developed through computer analysis of the viral sequence, using predictions based on prior experience to synthesize a prototype DNA vaccine for rapid testing. The team would use their extensive MERS coronavirus vaccine experience as a model, taking into account unique features displayed by the new coronavirus in the design. In January, as the cases increased, a consortium led by Dr. Yong-Zhen Zhang of the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center & School of Public Health posted the first viral DNA sequences online. 

“This provided the opportunity the team was waiting for,” said Dr. Weiner. Within hours, prototype vaccines were designed and moved to development.  

The designed DNA vaccine encodes a tailored sequence as the code for the vaccine. When the vaccine is administered to a recipient, the genetic sequences are then delivered inside the cells and instruct the cells to assemble a new protein shaped like a piece of the virus. Similar to using Lego blocks, a 3-D replica of a viral antigen is built inside the body and teaches the immune system what to look out for and destroy — reproducing what would happen if the person came in contact with the true virus. 

Coronaviruses are large RNA viruses that get their name from the ‘halo’ generated by the spike protein that decorates the surface of these viruses. When a coronavirus is viewed in the laboratory using electron microscopy, the spike proteins appear to form a crown. The new strain of coronavirus has been designated SARS-CoV-2 and is the entity that causes the COVID-19 disease. 

SARS-CoV-2 is an emerging pathogen that human populations have not previously experienced although it belongs to the same family as the coronaviruses that caused Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), an outbreak originating in China that the world experienced in the early 2000s, and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), an outbreak originating about a decade later in the Middle East that, while controlled, still smolders. 

The team has significant experience in developing countermeasures for a coronavirus outbreak. A synthetic DNA MERS vaccine they developed advanced into phase 2 clinical study, having achieved relevant vaccine milestones including protection of laboratory animals from infection, human safety, and immunogenicity. 

The new coronavirus vaccine effort by the Weiner team is one of a handful supported by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) for the rapid development of new vaccine approaches to the coronavirus outbreak. CEPI is a global alliance led by Norway along with several other countries with major funding from philanthropic organizations. Assembled just more than three years ago to fast-track translational vaccine approaches for emerging pandemics, the organization has been comparing vaccine technologies that could be utilized rapidly in an outbreak situation with the foresight of stemming worldwide epidemics using scientific innovations through new technology. 

That preparation is being put to the test in support of developing a vaccine response for COVID-19. In January, CEPI started to discuss funding a program for clinical vaccine development with the team. On January 23, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, CEPI announced its support for three teams based on their technologies and accomplishments showing their vaccines can be rapidly created, tested, generate consistent immunity, and can be advanced in a conceptually safe fashion to clinical trials.  

Each team funded by CEPI is comprised of industry partners and academic vaccine teams that work together to move the novel candidates through early development and into clinical study and then, if applicable, advance them to efficacy trials. This approach combines the research speed of academic investigators with the focused development and clinical production and regulatory strengths of industry leaders who are at the forefront of their technologies. 

The Initial teams were: 

  • GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in partnership with the University of Queensland, Australia, for a recombinant protein and adjuvant approach. 
  • Moderna Therapeutics, Inc., in partnership with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Vaccine Research Center for a mRNA approach; and 
  • Inovio in partnership with The Wistar Institute’s VIC team. 

Five additional teams have recently been added by CEPI.

“It’s a very unique situation — it’s the first time we’re seeing a global vaccine coordinated response like this, thanks to the speed with which CEPI acted and funded the initial teams,” said Weiner. “We are honored to be able to contribute to this important effort under the advanced DNA vaccine technology program of Inovio for COVID-19.”  

The team reported immune responses to the new synthetic DNA vaccine that were induced in several animal model species after a single immunization — the first program to do so.  

CEPI’s stated initial goal was to speed advancement of the new coronavirus vaccines to phase 1 trials in four months or less. The CEPI program has made a significant difference already in mobilizing the vaccine community to advance products for COVID-19. This week, Moderna announced that they have opened their phase 1 clinical trial. Inovio announced that a phase 1 study of the synthetic DNA vaccine is preparing to open in April.  

As of March 23, just 3.5 months into this outbreak, there are approximately 372,000 reported infections with more than 16,300 deaths spread over 168 countries. In the U.S., there are over 41,000 cases which have resulted in 573 fatalities. New York has more than 12,000 cases*.  

“The Wistar Institute’s VIC works to provide new immune approaches and understanding to impact important human disease. We need countermeasures for the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Weiner. “All of us are in this together and the more tools in the toolbox, the better equipped we are to possibly protect our vulnerable populations and our first-line defenders. Rapidly advancing these tools is only the first step in this process, but it’s an important one.”

* Source: Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University

Wistar Expands Its Training Program With Support From the PA Department of Labor & Industry

On March 12, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) announced more than $6.5 million in PAsmart Registered Apprenticeship Grants. Wistar is one of the awarded institutions, receiving a $212,499 grant in support of the Expansion, Curriculum Evolution and Enhancement During Biomedical Technician Training (ExCEED BTT) program.

Building on the signature Biomedical Technician Training (BTT) Program, ExCEED BTT was designed to enhance training and expand opportunities for community college students to participate in paid pre-apprenticeship experiences that will prepare them for careers in the region’s growing biotechnology and biopharmaceutical sector.

PAsmart was launched in 2018 to increase STEM and computer science education following the “earn while you learn” model, in which trainees learn the skills that growing businesses need while working and earning a wage.

“We are extremely grateful to the PA Department of L&I for their continued support of Wistar’s efforts in training the next generation of life sciences professionals,” said Brian Keith, Ph.D., dean of biomedical studies at Wistar. “This award will allow us to augment our ongoing training mission and prepare our students for careers in the growing biomedical research workforce.”

In 2019, Wistar was one of the first institutions to receive funding from the PAsmart program after its launch.

Coming of Age: The Creation of the HPV Vaccine 

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most commonly sexually transmitted virus in the world, infecting 75% of sexually active adults in their lifetime1.

HPV infection has a dramatic impact on global health, with more than 500,000 cervical cancer cases diagnosed worldwide each year, the vast majority of which (around 85%) occur in the less developed regions2 where no screening programs are available, and women are diagnosed at late stages. Globally, cervical cancer causes more than 260,000 deaths each year2.

HPV also causes genital warts and other malignancies such as head and neck cancer, and men get HPV-related throat cancer as often as women get HPV-related cervical cancer. 

Making the HPV Vaccine: Challenges and Persistence

During a recent Wistar event, thought leaders in the field of HPV vaccines, Dr. Kathrin Jansen, Pfizer senior vice president and head of Vaccine Research and Development, and Dr. Iona Munjal, Pfizer director of Clinical Research and Development, laid the historical groundwork in their roles to develop, design and roll out the world’s first HPV vaccine.  

“This is the story of great scientific discovery, grit and persistence, and the breaking of dogmas,” said microbiologist and vaccinologist Dr. Jansen.

HPV was identified as the root cause of cervical cancer in the 1990s by German virologist professor Harald zur Hausen, who went on to win a 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for revolutionizing cervical cancer research by discovering HPV DNA in cervical cancer biopsies. A seminal study in 1999 confirmed that HPV is a necessary cause of cervical cancer, as virtually all cervical lesions (99.7%) contain HPV DNA3.

According to Jansen, the early phases of vaccine development were surrounded by skepticism and it took much perseverance to overcome the technical challenges. In the process, she and the other scientists working in the HPV field broke some scientific dogmas, showing for example that, contrary to the common assumption that cancer development by HPV takes decades, it occurs relatively quickly (within 1-5 years from infection), which allowed for testing the vaccine effectiveness in a reasonable timeframe.

In several clinical studies the vaccines currently available showed excellent safety profiles and a remarkably high efficacy against cervical cancer. Complete prevention of virus infection, referred to as sterilizing immunity, was also demonstrated by the HPV vaccine, breaking another dogma that considered this an elusive goal.

Vaccine redemption

Despite its extraordinary effectiveness in preventing cervical cancer, the HPV vaccine had to fight some initial backlash caused by prejudice and confusion. 

“HPV being a sexually transmitted disease overshadowed the importance of this vaccine as a cancer prevention strategy, which is far more significant and the ultimate goal of vaccination,” said Munjal, who is a pediatric infectious disease doctor. “This vaccine was 90% effective against HPV and we had so much joy because it can eventually eradicate HPV-related cancers. But we just saw the numbers and missed the story. We had to get back to basics and normalcy regarding this vaccine. Pediatricians had to give this vaccine as they did the rest of the recommended vaccines — treat it exactly the same. It’s a revolutionary change that we’ve lived through and learned from.”

That the vaccine protected against cancer and genital warts made it a hot button issue tied to sexually transmitted disease and the myth that the vaccine would somehow encourage or endorse promiscuity among teenagers.

Munjal also discussed different vaccine rollout strategies in other countries.

“Right now HPV vaccine uptake is at 50%, but in Australia and the United Kingdom, the disease burden is dropping,” said Munjal. “By 2030, Australia will cure cervical cancer by 90%. They were able to do it because it’s a school-based health campaign which shows the effectiveness of bringing care to where people are.”

In 2006, Merck’s HPV vaccine Gardasil was approved in the U.S. It protects against HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18, preventing 70% of cervical cancers, and the majority of HPV-induced cancer cases and genital warts. In 2014, an expanded vaccine Gardasil 9 was approved.

One of the most important advances in cancer prevention, the HPV vaccine is safe and effective. It is recommended for people from 11 to 26 years old and available to adults up to 45 years old who are at risk. Yet, vaccine rates in the U.S. for girls and boys from 13 to 17 years old still hover between only 48.6% to 51%1. About 14 million people contract HPV each year in the U.S., and 92% of these infections are caused by vaccine-preventable strains1.  

The United States has the capability to eradicate HPV and by doing so has the opportunity to wipe out cervical cancers and six other cancers related to HPV. We still need new methods to screen for HPV and improve treatment on pre-cancerous lesions. The Healthy People 2020 campaign wants complete vaccination for more than 80% of female and male teenagers ages 13-15 by 20204

  1. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
  2. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
  3. Human papillomavirus is a necessary cause of invasive cervical cancer worldwide. 1999 Walboomers J.M. et al, J Pathol.

Coupling Computational Protein Engineering with Synthetic DNA Technology Enhances Nanovaccine Efficacy Allowing the Patient’s Own Body to Customize Production

PHILADELPHIA — (March 11, 2020) — Scientists at The Wistar Institute reported a sophisticated technology to simplify production of nanovaccines, a novel approach to vaccination that can robustly stimulate immunity in preclinical models. The study, published online in the journal Advanced Science, is based on applying the synthetic DNA technology for in vivo delivery and assembly of computationally designed nanoparticles. This combination resulted in enhanced immune responses and may be explored for rapid development of vaccines and immunotherapies.

The use of nanotechnology for vaccine development has brought several advantages compared to traditional formulations. Nanovaccines consist of extremely small (nano) particles that are similar in size to bacteria and viruses and provide strong signals to the immune system. Nanovaccines produced in the laboratory are particularly good at driving antibody responses. However, laboratory production of nanoparticles can require complex formulations and purification steps that can increase costs and limit their development and rapid deployment.

“Computational modeling assists us in the rational design of nanovaccines that are capable of inducing potent levels of protective immunity, but large-scale production is challenging and lengthy,” said Daniel Kulp, Ph.D., associate professor in the Vaccine & Immunotherapy Center and corresponding author of the study. “We are excited to describe a new strategy that bypasses these challenges while also inducing more robust immune responses.”

In collaboration with the lab of David B. Weiner, Ph.D., Wistar executive vice president, director of the Vaccine & Immunotherapy Center, and the W.W. Smith Charitable Trust Professor in Cancer Research, and co-senior author on the study, Kulp and colleagues integrated computational design and synthetic DNA-mediated delivery, focusing on designing the nanovaccine particles to assemble themselves in vivo from a DNA template. They demonstrated that nanoparticles can be produced and assembled in vivo in bunches and elicit robust and specific immune responses in the vaccinated animals.

Using synthetic DNA technology, researchers were able to prompt the body to build and assemble in vivo optimized nanoparticles predesigned with the aid of computer modeling. An essential step in this process is the method of synthetic DNA delivery, called adaptive electroporation, which delivers a small current to the site of injection, enhancing DNA uptake and providing immune stimulation.

A nanoparticle vaccine for HIV that is currently in clinical trials was employed as a prototype for DNA delivery. The DNA-launched nanoparticles were successfully produced and correctly self-assembled both in vitro and in laboratory animals. The vaccines stimulated antibody responses comparable to the conventional protein-based nanoparticle vaccines, a gold standard in the field for the induction of antibody responses. However, the DNA-launched nanoparticles uniquely induced CD8+ T cell responses, engaging an important arm of immune system that mediates protection against viral antigens and surveillance against cancer.

The strategy was also successfully applied to induce potent responses with newly designed nanoparticle vaccines targeting the influenza virus protein hemagglutinin. Importantly, in a rigorous influenza challenge model, the DNA-launched hemagglutinin nanovaccine conferred significantly improved protection to mice than conventional formulations at a fraction of the dose.

“Our studies suggest that the confluence of synthetic DNA-mediated delivery and computational nanoparticle design could be a novel asset for vaccine development,” said Ziyang Xu, a Ph.D. student in the Weiner lab and first author on the study. “This approach demonstrated we can create new vaccines with improved potency and dose sparing to help global deployment of vaccines at times of critical need.”

Co-authors: Neethu Chokkalingam, Susanne Walker, Edgar Tello-Ruiz, Sarah T.C. Elliott, Alfredo Perales-Puchalt, Peng Xiao, Xizhou Zhu, Stacy Guzman, and Kar Muthumani from Wistar; Megan C. Wise, Paul D. Fisher, Katherine Schultheis, Eric Schade, Kate E. Broderick, and Laurent M. Humeau from Inovio Pharmaceuticals; Ruth A. Pumroy and Vera Moiseenkova-Bell from University of Pennsylvania; Sergey Menis and William R. Schief from The Scripps Research Institute; and Hanne Andersen from Bioqual Inc.

Work supported by: National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants U19 Al109646-04, R01 GM103899, R01 GM129357 and a Collaborative Influenza Vaccine Innovation Centers (CIVICs) grant;
Grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, W.W. Smith Charitable Trust, and the Monica H.M. Shander Memorial Fellowship. Core support for The Wistar Institute was provided by the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA010815.

Publication information: In vivo assembly of nanoparticles achieved through synergy of structure-based protein engineering and synthetic DNA generates enhanced adaptive immunity, Advanced Science, 2020. In press.

A New Generation of Cancer Researchers at Wistar

Expanding the faculty and enhancing its multidisciplinary nature are focal points in Wistar’s Cancer Center under the leadership of Dario Altieri, M.D., president and CEO, director of The Wistar Institute Cancer Center, and Robert and Penny Fox Distinguished Professor.

The recent recruitment efforts, supported by partners such as The Pew Charitable Trusts, were inspired by the idea that junior investigators—in their peak of scientific productivity and creativity—are most likely to generate cutting-edge research. Therefore, attracting the most brilliant scientists and persuading them to launch their laboratory at Wistar positions the Institute ahead of a trend that is becoming increasingly popular in many research institutions.

In the span of one year from 2015 to 2016, four assistant professors joined the Cancer Center, thereby enriching and complementing existing programs with new expertise and fresh perspectives:

Qing Chen, M.D., Ph.D., came to Wistar from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and started her lab researching the mechanisms of brain metastasis, a very challenging subject that is in urgent need of advancement.

Alessandro Gardini, Ph.D., an ‘old acquaintance’ of Wistar’s, began his postdoctoral training in a Wistar lab and completed it at the University of Miami. He studies genomics and epigenetics, or how our genome is decoded and how malfunctioning mechanisms can cause cancer.

Kavitha Sarma, Ph.D., came from Harvard Medical School. She is a biochemist and an epigenetics expert. Her current focus is in understanding how certain RNA molecules help shape the structure of chromatin, the combination of DNA and protein that makes up chromosomes, and elucidating the role of these mechanisms in cancer and other diseases.

Zachary Schug, Ph.D., a Philadelphia native who received his postdoctoral training across the ocean at the Beatson Institute in Glasgow, U.K., returned to Philadelphia to launch his research program at Wistar in cancer metabolism, looking at the mechanisms that support the high nutrient demands of tumor growth.

Four years after arriving, and well-settled at Wistar, these four assistant professors have made
significant progress establishing research programs, publishing their first papers as senior authors, and securing solid funding through federal grants and private foundations, such as the W. W. Smith Charitable Trusts, the American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen, the V Foundation for Cancer Research, and The G. Harold & Leila Y. Mathers Foundation.

We brought the four scientists together to take stock of their experiences at Wistar.

A diverse and stimulating scientific environment

One of the common themes in the conversation was the intellectual and scientific support junior investigators receive at the Institute. “Wistar is a small place with exceptional scientific diversity,” said Gardini.

“Exposure to different expertise in a highly collaborative environment has created plenty of opportunities for me to expand my scientific horizon and skillset,” added Schug. “For example, because of the outstanding immunology community we have at the Institute and the frequent seminars they host, my knowledge of immunology has expanded dramatically, and that was an area in which I wanted to grow.”

“I kept myself distant from immunology until I joined Wistar; it wasn’t my favorite field,” joked Chen. “But no cancer biologist can stay away from immunology these days, especially if you study the tumor microenvironment like I do. Being at Wistar made that transition easier for me.”

Pursuing their projects and expanding their interests

When asked if they stayed their course and followed their original research plan, all four scientists said they are working on the overall ideas they proposed, but they’ve added new directions they can now pursue because of the expertise and support of other labs at the Institute.

“My drug development project was difficult to get off the ground,” said Schug. “At Wistar, though, through collaboration with Dr. Salvino, I took a different approach that was successful.”

When you are a basic research scientist, finding good model systems to test your hypothesis can really make a difference. “I felt safe exploring the ovarian cancer model because there is a lot of expertise in Dr. Zhang’s lab, in particular, and I can count on resources for future developments,”added Gardini.

“Even though my primary interest is breast cancer, I received a lot of mentorship from Dr. Weeraratna,” said Chen. “She brought me into melanoma—a great model to study brain metastasis because of its tendency to invade the brain. As a matter of fact, nearly 40% of melanoma patients develop brain metastasis.”

What about academic freedom, we asked. Everyone said they were given leeway to choose their scientific direction and explore their ideas.

Sometimes, access to funding can bring about involuntary restraints to the scientists’ ability to pursue their interests. “Access to funds for basic researchers can be a challenge because most of the money is diverted to applied research,” said Sarma.

“My work is clinically relevant, so I don’t necessarily face this issue,” added Chen. “Yet, I can’t wrap my head around the scarcity of funding for basic research, as it creates the foundations for clinical development.”

“I appreciate the Institute’s strategy for grant submission because we are not pushed to apply to every possible opportunity, but they encourage us to focus our efforts where we are stronger and have a better chance of success,” said Gardini. “In the long run, it’s an efficient approach and avoids putting too much pressure on the junior faculty members.”

A little weight off their shoulders

Technological and administrative support were also highly rated and considered crucial for growth and success.

“Wistar has a reputation for its core facilities, and they absolutely lived up to my expectations,” said Gardini. “Besides the quality of their work, their efficiency and fast turnaround help getting answers fast and moving the projects forward.”

“Dario kept his promise in terms of equipment and facilities,” said Schug. “Having a metabolomics core was a necessity for the research I wanted to pursue, and he and other professors worked with me to secure funding for new state-of-the-art instrumentation. Dario has been very supportive of me setting up new techniques at the Institute.”

Administrative support is very important for junior principal investigators who are starting to navigate grants and budget, and managing multiple projects and tasks at the same time. “The support we receive from the administrative departments is exceptional, it makes our lives easier so we can focus on the science as much as possible,” said Sarma.

Beyond Wistar

Expanding beyond Wistar’s walls and into the Philadelphia life sciences hub, there was consensus that, with so many academic research institutions and hospitals, most of which are expanding, Philadelphia is the place for biomedical scientists. “I have ongoing collaborations with nearly all the major cancer centers in Philadelphia at this point,” said Schug. “It’s as easy as going across the street or taking a walk downtown.”

“If my projects lead me in a new direction that I want to explore, there is a very high chance I’ll be able to find someone around who can help,” added Gardini.

The private biotech arena is also bourgeoning in Philly. “I’m not quite there yet,” said Schug. “Though I definitely see my research expanding in that direction. We are actively engaged in drug development and testing our compounds in preclinical models with the hope that in a year from now we may begin searching for a biotech or pharmaceutical company with which to partner. Fortunately, Wistar has a fantastic business development team that supports us throughout this process.”

“I’m not exposed to biotech now, maybe in the future, if my studies identify new therapeutic targets,” said Chen.

“Alessandro and I are a little less likely to benefit from it because of the basic nature of our science and the fact that the biotech industry in Philadelphia is geared towards drug development. Naturally, it can have a bigger impact on translational scientists,” said Sarma.

A home for basic research

Bringing basic investigators on board reflects Wistar’s everlasting commitment to fundamental research and the type of breakthroughs that can come from it. In addition to expanding the universal knowledge of biological mechanisms, basic discoveries point to new therapeutic targets that can be drugged, while bringing about technological advancement.

“Genomics is a very technology-driven field,” said Sarma. “I’m excited to witness and participate in this trend and always thrilled to see new technologies emerge that will allow us to explore biological phenomena and disease in greater depth.”

“We can now look at things in ways scientists have never before, we can do genomic analysis at the single-cell level, which is mind-blowing.” added Gardini. “Obviously, this also makes our work challenging, because we need to keep up with the fast pace of technology and stay abreast of new developments and incorporate them in our research in meaningful ways.”

A look at the future

“I am very excited about the developments of my research on how diet, metabolism, microbiome, and epigenetics talk to one another in cancer,” said Schug. “Speaking of new technologies, we have been advancing new tools to study the organism as a whole and I am eager to apply this new approach to my research at Wistar.”

“I’m happy that more labs are working on brain metastasis, and I look forward to more neurobiologists entering the field,” said Chen. “Looking at things just from the cancer angle is limiting, we can move forward much faster when we know the underlying physiology.”

“Cancer genomics studies in the past decade have highlighted that many transcriptional and chromatin modulators are mutated in cancer, and for the vast majority of these we don’t know what their role is,” said Gardini. “The field is getting more and more competitive, but I’m excited that there is so much room to explore and figure out new mechanisms, and with that also come growing funding opportunities.”

“I get excited about every new discovery, big and small,” said Sarma. “Having the first piece of data and looking at it for the first time is a lot of fun, and I look forward to more of these moments. I love figuring out how things work, solving puzzles, making sense of unexpected results. That’s the best part of my job.”

The gang

Maybe it’s because they arrived within a few months of each other, or maybe it’s because they are all first-time independent investigators launching their career in academia together, and it’s certainly because they get along well—but the fab four have formed a strong bond.

“Besides collaborating scientifically, I think we’ve created a support system for each other,” said Sarma. “We interact daily and make time to connect and discuss each other’s strategies and little bumps in the road.”

“They have dragged me out of my shell, and I’m glad they did that,” said Chen. “Someone will check if they haven’t seen me for a while.”

“I’ve received a lot of help on grants applications from these guys,” said Schug. “We exchange tips and learn from each other’s experiences.”

“We root for each other’s successes and celebrate each other’s accomplishments, which is not to be taken for granted,” said Gardini. “This reflects positively on the way I feel about Wistar.”

“We don’t just talk about science, though,” said Sarma. “We discuss work-life balance, vacations, and our lives and hobbies outside the lab.”

“I’m going to say that food is probably our most typical conversation subject,” interjected Gardini, and they all acknowledged that with a laugh.

Women & Science: Becoming a Leader and a Role Model 

At the latest installment of Wistar’s Women & Science Program, guest speaker Dr. Padmanee Sharma, a distinguished clinician and researcher who has focused her career on understanding how to boost the human immune system to treat cancer, shared her personal and scientific journey to reaching the forefront of her field.

Born to immigrant parents of Indian descent in Guyana, who later fled the country due to political and religious turmoil and arrived with few resources in the U.S., Sharma chased “her American dream” supported by the strong women in her family, who encouraged her passion for science and medicine.

Dr. Sharma relayed how she had to work harder and more efficiently than many to succeed, though her path was guided by strong forces: a passion for immunology, a healthy dose of ambition, a can-do attitude, and mentors who believed in her. 

“Women are oftentimes faced with a dismissive attitude,” Sharma said. “But in the end, what proves your value is the ability to deliver on your ideas.”

Sharma’s immunology research coincided and contributed to the inception of the immunotherapy revolution, when the immune checkpoint pathways had just been discovered as the “brake pedals” that control our immune responses. This suggested the idea that checkpoint inhibitor blockade therapy could “take the foot off the brake pedal” and unleash the full antitumor potential of our immune system. 

“This was a paradigm shift in cancer therapy,” said Sharma. “For the first time, we were able to cure patients and achieve long-term remission.”

Pushing back initial skepticism, Sharma ran the first pre-surgical immunotherapy clinical trial, proving the idea that access to pre- and post-treatment tissue samples provides a deeper insight into the antitumor mechanisms of immunotherapy. Today, her research strategy reflects this model, with a continuous crosstalk between clinical observations and basic research.

“We need to design clinical trials that are guided and backed by strong science and, at the same time, use what we learn in patients to steer our basic research in the right direction.”

As a mother of three girls, a professor, principal investigator and the co-director of the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Sharma’s life is very busy. 

“There is no perfect balance recipe that applies to everyone,” she said. “We need to figure out what works best for us while being respectful of other people’s choices.” 

In her case, success is based on following her vision, building a strong team and finding a loving partner who celebrates her passion. 


Vaccination Exploration: The Case of Measles, Mumps and Rubella 

Getting sick with these childhood diseases could mean much more than a fever and a rash.

A brief history of vaccination

Infectious diseases have existed alongside (and within) humans throughout history. Efforts to prevent contagion have been attempted since before the discovery of our immune system and the pathogens that try to invade it.

The practice of immunization is based on the idea of exposing the body to a weakened or dead infectious agent (or part of it) to induce a mild version of the disease that the host is able to fight off, remaining protected at the next encounter.

Variolation—injecting material from a smallpox patient’s sore into a healthy person’s arm to protect against smallpox—was common practice starting in the 17th century in China, the Middle East and Africa, and well before Edward Jenner created the first modern vaccine in 1798.

Jenner observed that milkmaids who had been infected with vaccinia virus (the cause of cowpox in cows) did not get sick with smallpox. He was able to achieve immunization against smallpox by inoculating people with the vaccinia virus—hence the terms “vaccination” and “vaccine.”

This first empiric vaccine laid the foundation for the development of many other vaccines over the course of the 19th century. Scientists fine-tuned the technology to make vaccines safer and more effective. In the 20th century, isolation of many infectious agents together with progress in immunology, cell culture and molecular biology, allowed for the advent of more vaccines that have saved millions of lives and changed the course of human history.

Spotlight on the mumps, measles and rubella vaccine (MMR)

The Wistar Institute developed the rubella vaccine that is currently given to children in the U.S. and many other countries as part of the MMR trivalent vaccine, which provides protection against mumps, measles and rubella.

Licensed by Merck in 1971, this vaccine combined the three existing vaccines into one and dramatically curbed three childhood infections that affected millions in the pre-vaccine era and were associated with severe complications and death. The Wistar rubella vaccine is also contained in the MMRV vaccine ProQuad licensed by Merck and approved in the U.S. in 2005, which also protects against varicella virus (chickenpox).


Measles is a highly contagious disease that causes fever, respiratory symptoms and a rash. In a small percentage of cases, it can result in serious complications and death, especially in young children, pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals. Complications include pneumonia, which is the most common cause of death from measles in young children and occurs in one out of every 20 infected children; encephalitis, or swelling of the brain, that can lead to convulsions, deafness or intellectual disability and affects one child out of every 1,000 infected; and premature or low-birth-weight babies in pregnant women.

The rubeola virus that causes the measles was isolated in 1954, after which several generations of vaccines were developed. In 1968, the final (and current) version of the attenuated vaccine was created and since then has contributed to measles cases plummeting in the U.S. In 2000, endemic measles was declared eliminated. Yet in recent years measles has returned with several outbreaks happening in the U.S. and beyond, linked to falling immunization rates in certain groups.


Mumps is a very contagious viral infection that manifests with swelling and pain in the salivary glands, fever, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue. In the vast majority of cases mumps causes very mild symptoms, but in rare cases it can lead to serious complications. These include meningitis, an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes; hearing loss; encephalitis; and orchitis, or the inflammation of testicles, which occurs in one third of boys infected with mumps.

In 1963, the mumps virus was isolated, and a vaccine was licensed in 1967 that has contributed to a more than 99% decrease in mumps cases in the U.S.


Rubella, or German measles, usually manifests with mild symptoms and a red rash but is associated with severe complications in pregnant women, known as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). CRS can cause miscarriage, stillbirth and birth defects such as heart problems, loss of hearing and eyesight and intellectual disability.

In 1964, a major rubella outbreak started in Europe, crossed the Atlantic Ocean and swept into the U.S., infecting 12.5 million, killing 2,000, causing 20,000 cases of CRS, and leading to thousands of miscarriages and children born with birth defects.

The first rubella vaccines used in the U.S. were licensed in 1969/1970. At the same time, another vaccine developed at Wistar in the laboratory of Stanley A. Plotkin, M.D., was licensed in Europe. The Wistar-developed vaccine proved to be more effective and have a better safety record than the others, leading the U.S. to switch in 1979. Plotkin’s vaccine is still used today and is the only rubella vaccine currently licensed in U.S.

With critical support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wistar is now working with external collaborators to expand and archive the research-grade rubella virus seed stock in order to provide companies with GMP materials to produce new vaccines, increasing distribution around the world and bolstering supply security.

Measles resurgence

The MMR vaccine is very effective against measles: two doses are about 97% effective while one dose is about 93% effective. Yet, measles has been on the rise globally, leading to a public health alert. The World Health Organization reported that there were more cases of measles in the first half of 2019 than in any year since 2006. In the first half of 2019 in the U.S. alone, there have been 1,182 measles cases across 30 states—a high in the last 25 years.

There are many reasons for this resurgence. Because measles is highly contagious, it is estimated that 95% of people need to be vaccinated in order to protect the population from outbreaks—a concept called herd immunity. Current U.S. vaccination rates are holding around 91% and more children in Europe are being vaccinated than ever before, but these rates are still under the required threshold, therefore the population is still vulnerable to outbreaks.

Vaccination rates and measles outbreaks

But why is the measles resurgence happening now if the vaccination coverage has been stable or improved in recent years? This could be partly due to the nature of highly contagious diseases that tend to spread in wave-like cyclic patterns.

On the other hand, statistical and epidemiological analysis indicate a correlation between a decrease in vaccination coverage and measles outbreaks. In fact, several outbreaks have been reported in close-knit communities with particularly low vaccination rates due to vaccine skepticism or refusal for religious or philosophical reasons. In those cases, travelers brought measles back from other regions where large outbreaks were occurring, and infection spread fast among unvaccinated people.

Healthcare inequality also puts children in medically underserved families at higher risk of infection.

Therefore, while measles has a tendency to resurge in populations with a lower than 95% vaccine coverage, pockets where vaccination rates are lower than the nation’s average offer breeding ground for the virus to spread undisturbed.

MMR safety

Rigorous studies have confirmed that the MMR vaccine is very safe and overwhelmingly debunked reports of any association with autism in children.

As with all medicines, vaccines may have side effects. The MMR vaccine has been associated with mild and temporary side effects including rash, fever and headache. More serious adverse events, including seizures, are very rare and not associated with long-term effects. Allergic reactions are also rare. The risk to benefit ratio is such that getting the MMR vaccine is much safer than getting measles, mumps or rubella.

New Molecular Mechanism Involved in Cellular Senescence That Modulates Inflammation and Response to Cancer Immunotherapy 

PHILADELPHIA — (Feb. 19, 2020) — Scientists at The Wistar Institute discovered a novel pathway that enables detection of DNA in the cytoplasm and triggers inflammation and cellular senescence. This pathway may be modulated during senescence-inducing chemotherapy to affect cancer cell response to checkpoint inhibitors. Results were published online in Nature Communications.

Cellular senescence is a natural tumor suppression mechanism that stably halts proliferation of damaged or premalignant cells. Senescent cells also represent a trigger of inflammation and immune reaction as they produce an array of inflammatory molecules collectively known as senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).

“Uncovering an important step that mediates the senescence response and enables the SASP, we identified a novel molecular pathway involved in immunotherapy response,” said lead researcher Rugang Zhang, Ph.D., deputy director of The Wistar Institute Cancer Center, professor and co-program leader of the Gene Expression and Regulation Program. “We suggest that this pathway might be targeted to modulate senescence-inducing effects of cancer therapeutics and affect response of senescent cancer cells to immunotherapy.”

Cells that have been exposed to various stressors and have suffered substantial DNA damage, for example during chemotherapy, transport pieces of DNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm as a way to signal that something is wrong. The cGMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) senses cytosolic DNA and activates senescence and immunity by triggering a cascade of cellular events that culminate with production of the SASP. How cGAS senses DNA was unknown.

To investigate this, the Zhang lab focused on the proteins attached to cytoplasmic DNA in senescent cells and identified topoisomerase 1 (TOP1) as the missing link between cGAS and DNA. TOP1 is an enzyme that unwinds the DNA helix to facilitate its replication and transcription to RNA. It has the ability to attach to DNA forming a strong DNA-TOP1 complex called TOP1cc. According to the new study, TOP1 also interacts with cytosolic DNA and cGAS, connecting the two and facilitating the DNA-sensing activity of cGAS.

Importantly, researchers also found that HMGB2, a protein that regulates chromatin structure and orchestrates the SASP at the gene expression level, enhances the interaction of TOP1 with DNA by stabilizing the DNA-bound form TOP1cc and is required for senescence and SASP.
The authors went on to establish that the HMGB2-TOP1cc-cGAS pathway is essential for the antitumor effect of immune checkpoint blockade therapy in a mouse model, as knock down of HMGB2 abated response to anti-PD-L1 treatment. Treating tumors with a TOP1 inhibitor that stabilizes the TOP1cc-DNA binding and mimics HMGB2 restored treatment response and increased survival.

“TOP1 inhibitors are clinically used for cancer therapy,” said Bo Zhao, Ph.D., first author of the study and a postdoctoral researcher in the Zhang Lab. “We suggest they may have additional applications to sensitize tumors to immunotherapy, especially targeting cancer cells that become senescent in response to therapies such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy.”

Co-authors: Takeshi Fukumoto, Timothy Nacarelli, Nail Fatkhutdinov, Shuai Wu, Jianhuang Lin, Katherine M. Aird, Hsin-Yao Tang, Qin Liu, and David W. Speicher from Wistar.

Work supported by: National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants R01 CA160331, R01 CA163377, R01 CA202919, R01CA239128, P01AG031862, and P50CA228991; US Department of Defense grants OC150446 and OC180109. Additional support was provided by The Honorable Tina Brozman Foundation for Ovarian Cancer Research (Tina’s Wish) and The Tina Brozman Ovarian Cancer Research Consortium 2.0, Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (Collaborative Research Development Grant and Ann and Sol Schreiber Mentored Investigator Award). Core support for The Wistar Institute was provided by the Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA010815.

Publication information: Topoisomerase 1 cleavage complex enables pattern recognition and inflammation during senescence, Nature Communications, 2020. Online publication.


The Wistar Institute is an international leader in biomedical research with special expertise in cancer research and vaccine development. Founded in 1892 as the first independent nonprofit biomedical research institute in the United States, Wistar has held the prestigious Cancer Center designation from the National Cancer Institute since 1972. The Institute works actively to ensure that research advances move from the laboratory to the clinic as quickly as possible.

Wistar Science Highlights: Advances in Ovarian Cancer Research and the Impact of p53 Genetic Variant on Iron Accumulation in African Americans

The TP53 gene is the most frequently mutated gene in human cancer. In addition to mutations, this gene comes in numerous variations in the human population. Some of these variations alter the function of the p53 protein. 

A collaborative study from the Dotiwala and Murphy laboratories discovered that a rare, African-specific variant of TP53 called P47S causes iron accumulation in macrophages and other cell types and is associated with poorer response to bacterial infections, along with markers of iron overload in African Americans.  

According to the study, published online in Nature Communications, macrophage iron accumulation disrupts their function, resulting in more severe bacterial infections. It also causes macrophages to have antinflammatory properties.

Interestingly, the P47S variant improved response to malaria in mice. Researchers injected them with the malaria toxin and observed a less severe disease than in mice that carry the common p53 variant. Acute malaria is a highly inflammatory disease, therefore the antinflammatory activity of P47S macrophages limits disease severity in mice. The authors hypothesize that this effect of the P47S p53 variant could help people survive in malaria-endemic regions. 

This study may help understand the connection between the P47S TP53 gene variant and iron overload disorders as well as the increased occurrence of certain bacterial infections and cancers found in African Americans.

     The Zhang laboratory continues to make strides in ovarian cancer research. In a paper published in Cancer Cell the team described a novel therapeutic strategy based on combining EZH2 inhibition and PARP1 inhibition. 

PARP inhibitors are used as a maintenance treatment in women who carry genetic mutations that cause impaired DNA repair ability. Therefore, tumors with functional DNA damage repair do not typically respond to this therapy.

The lab researched a strategy to expand the use of PARP inhibitors to benefit a larger group of women whose tumors don’t have defects in DNA repair. They found that another class of inhibitors called EZH2 inhibitors render cancer cells vulnerable to PARP inhibitors in ovarian cancers with overexpression of the CARM1 oncogene. The study suggests that PARP inhibitors and EZH2 inhibitors may be used in combination as a precision treatment strategy for ovarian cancer.

In a second study, published in Nature Communications, Zhang and colleagues discovered a novel pathway involved in cellular senescence that controls inflammation and response to cancer immunotherapy.

Cellular senescence is a natural tumor suppression means that stably halts proliferation of damaged or premalignant cells, for example after chemotherapy. Senescent cells also produce an array of inflammatory molecules that trigger inflammation and immune reaction.
The newly discovered pathway enables detection of DNA in the cytoplasm, which is a signal of DNA damage, and controls inflammation and cellular senescence. This pathway may be targeted to affect cancer cell response to checkpoint inhibitors during chemotherapy.