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September 17, 2019
Wistar is pleased to announce Dr. Zachary Schug has been awarded a $450,000 grant from Susan G. Komen Philadelphia for breast cancer research. Schug studies breast cancer cells when they metastasiz…
September 16, 2019
Qing Chen, M.D., Ph.D., received the 2019 Legacy of Hope Merit Award in support of her research on how cancer spreads from a primary tumor, such as breast cancer, to the brain. Read more in the fou…
September 12, 2019
Gretchen Alicea is a graduate student at The Wistar Institute and is enrolled in the Ph.D. Program in Cancer Biology overseen jointly by Wistar and University of the Sciences (USciences). She has a…
August 27, 2019
Using enhanced DNA vaccine technology, Wistar scientists can speed the development of vaccines for emerging diseases creating impactful countermeasures against outbreaks. Wistar’s Drs. Kar Muthuman…
August 22, 2019
New infectious diseases are on the rise: In 2015 and 2016, there was an upswing in Zika outbreaks in the U.S., and the virus still impacts many parts of the world. The Ebola epidemic in the Democra…
August 13, 2019
There is an antibiotic crunch happening globally and to address this stalemate, Wistar hosted its first gathering of top scientists working to combat antibiotic resistance.  The recent&nb…
August 8, 2019
Nishikura has been a pillar of Wistar science for the past 37 years with a career overlapping with the rise and expansion of the RNA biology field, which explores the alternative functions of RNA i…
July 24, 2019
Early diagnosis and screening are the bedrock for addressing cancer in a timely fashion to improve patient survival, yet laboratory diagnostics are lagging behind and so far, are limited to a few s…
July 23, 2019
Doug and Peggy Briggs have laid the groundwork to bring emerging scientific stars to Wistar through the Institute’s newly founded Caspar Wistar Fellows Program.  It started with a me…
July 16, 2019
Monsoon season was just around the corner. A 26-year-old man living on the outskirts of a dense South Indian tropical forest became sick with flu-like symptoms. It was early May 2018 in the state o…